The reason there has been nothing but crickets here the last couple of weeks is that the LOSE has been working a couple of jobs simultaneously, striving and straining to make a couple of deadlines (which happened to be on the same day) and managing to make neither (though failing to make said deadlines, as it turned out, had very little to do with anything I was doing).
Along with my Hero of the Week, I will occasionally crown various citizens of my personal Belgium as royalty for the week. As has been stated before, I feel a kinship to the Belgians, who live in the most successful failed state in history and manage to cope with the lunacy through dabbling in absurdism and drinking lots of beer.
This week's King of My Personal Belgium earned his honour by finding a unique solution to a time-old dilemma here in
Brussels San Francisco, which is having to move your car early in the morning. They're very concerned with
making easy money through parking tickets keeping the streets spiffy here, which means streetsweepers come charging weekly and the weasels from the Department of Parking and Transportation ticket pretty much any parked vehicle that gets in the way. So the other day, we're driving down César Chávez St. and we see a guy hastily stagger out of his house, dressed in slippers and a robe and needing to move his car. He jumps in, starts it up ...
And drives it over the kerb and parks it on the sidewalk.
Now that is the sort of out of
your mind the box thinking that will earn you nobility in this little failed state in which I live. I hereby declare Mr. Fuzzy Slippers Parking on the Sidewalk to be King of My Personal Belgium for the week.
We'll get back to our more regular schedule of losing here in a few days. Between now and then, I can hopefully get some shit done.
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