Friday, April 12, 2013

Opportunity Lost

So for those of you that do not know, I work for an auto racing magazine, one specifically dealing with classic, historic, and vintage cars. We have a good guy who comes in and does some part-time work for us named Don, who takes a proof off the wall with an advertisement of cars for sale on it.

"I used to have one of these," he tells me, pointing to the page. "In fact, for all I know, this might actually be my old car."

The car he's referring to is this:

This is a 1938 BMW 328. A beautiful and very rare automobile. Don had bought one in Germany after WWII and had it shipped stateside.

"What ever happened to that car?" I asked Don.

"I sold it in the mid-1950s. I got $1200 for it. But obviously, I should've held onto it," he says with a shrug. "Opportunity lost, I guess."

This 1938 BMW can now be yours for $550,000.

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