Tuesday, September 11, 2018

It Will Get Better

THERE is no need for me to rehash the story of what the 11th of September means to me. The story is here. But I feel a need to speak today, during what has been deemed to be National Suicide Prevention Week. What I will continue to say, and do so to anyone who is listening in any corner of cyberspace is this: if you are suffering from depression, addiction, or other forms of mental illness, get help. Seriously, it will be the day that your life starts to get better. I promise you, it will get better. Take it from me, who survived. Take it from the countless people who have confided in me over the past 12 years, have come looking to me for advice and assistance, and who have managed to make it. It is hard, it takes patience, it can be really frustrating, but it will get better. I promise you, it will get better.

I have a whole bunch of things to recap and rehash here on the blog from the past few days, but for right now, I just feel like playing some beautiful music. I love this guy's work. Peace and love.

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