Friday, February 28, 2014

Read an Ebook Week

Buy an ebook this coming week! Preferably this one!
 The LOSE wholeheartedly supports Read an Ebook Week, which starts this Sunday, mainly because there are a lot of good scribes out there who are choosing to go the self-publishing route, and they deserve an audience. Find a book you like, buy it and give it a read. Don't be afraid. They'll make more, trust me.

This is a convenient excuse for me to fail at self promotion yet again. You can go here to purchase my novel, A Beautiful Cup, which I wrote in 2003. It's only $9.99 $7.99. (That's right, I've lowered the pricetag.) It's also available from Barnes & Noble. But if, for some reason, your taste is so poor that this act of high literature doesn't suit you, find another you like and enjoy!

Just for your information, I am gonna bust my ass in March and try to get the new novel, which is entitled Juste un peu d'amour, finished and ready for publication. And now that I've declared this to be my goal before a worldwide audience, I need to finish the goddamn thing.

Also, the crack Marketing Dept. here at IPL World HQ are currently in the process of developing Lose Gear, all sorts of great swag for the loyal readers of The LOSE. Stay tuned for more details. In the meantime, get out and lose! There is always more time for lose.